A human hair wig lasts for 1-3 years. But if you take proper care, it can easily last longer.

Whether you're just starting or you've been wearing wigs for quite a while, it's only natural to wonder how long will your human hair wig last.

After all, no one wants to invest in a wig that wouldn't last and result in a loss. So, in this article, we answer one of the questions people often ask about human hair wigs. “How long does it last?”

Human hair wigs tend to last longer because they are made from real human hair.

How Long Does a Human Hair Wig Last?

There is more than one answer to this question, and different wig users may answer differently based on their personal experience with their wigs. However, on average, the longevity of a human hair wig lies somewhere between 1 to 3 years. It may even last for longer than that. But how long your human hair wig actually lasts depends on several factors.

Real hair wigs are the best type of wig to choose if you want a long-lasting wig.

What Determines How Long Your Human Hair Wig Will Last?

Broadly, three factors will determine how long you can enjoy your human hair wig before needing to replace it. These two factors are how well you take care of them, how often you use them, and how long you intend to keep them. Let's take a closer look at these factors.

How long do you want to keep the wig:

This is pretty straightforward. You may purchase your wig with the intention of having it for a short while, say, 3 to 6 months. At the end of that intended period, there's nothing wrong if you decide to replace the wig.

How often do you wear the wig:

Frequency of use is a factor that influences how long your human hair wig will last. If you wear your wig every day, it will wear out quicker than a wig that is worn less frequently. In many cases, daily-worn wigs barely last longer than a year. Whereas the lifespan of wigs that are used less often (2 to 3 times a month, for example) can stretch for more than three years.

How you treat and care for the wig:

Neglecting your wig can take months off its lifespan. On the other hand, timely treatment and proper care will ensure that the wig lasts as long as possible. This means preventing the hairs from wearing thin and the cap construction from falling apart.

3 Signs of Wear and Tear

How Long Will a Human Hair Wig Last


Alright, so you've been rocking that fabulous human hair wig for a while, but how do you know when it's starting to show a little wear and tear? Your wig is like a superhero cape for your confidence, but even superheroes need a little TLC. Let's chat about some telltale signs that your trusty wig might be due for a bit of pampering or maybe even retirement.

Shedding and Tangling:

Imagine your wig as a beautiful garden, and every strand of hair is like a delicate flower. Now, if you start noticing an excessive amount of fallen petals (or, in this case, hair), it might be a sign your wig is going through a tough season. Shedding is normal to some extent, but if it's starting to resemble a hair apocalypse, it's time to investigate. Tangles are like the weeds in our metaphorical garden. A few are expected, but if your wig starts looking like a messy jungle, it might be trying to tell you something.

Changes in Hair Texture:

Your wig probably started silky-smooth, like that first sip of your favorite morning coffee. But, if you find yourself running your fingers through it and thinking, "Wait, did it used to be softer?" – that's a red flag. Human hair wigs can lose their luster over time, especially if they've been through the styling wars with heat tools. If it's feeling a bit like straw instead of silk, it might be time to bring back that softness.

Alterations in Wig Cap:

Think of the wig cap as the foundation of your wiggy masterpiece. If it starts fraying, stretching, or just not holding things together like it used to, it's akin to cracks forming in the foundation of your dream house. A worn-out cap can make your wig feel less secure and comfortable. Plus, it might affect how the hair falls and moves, giving you that "something's not quite right" vibe.

So, what's the deal with these signs? Well, they're like your wig's way of sending smoke signals. Listen to what it's trying to tell you. If you catch these signals early, a little love and care might bring your wig back to life. But if you ignore them, it's like pretending those smoke signals are just a BBQ gone wrong. Trust me, your wig deserves better than that!

3 Common Mistakes Leading to Shortened Lifespan

Common Mistakes Leading to Shortened Lifespan


We all know that feeling when you find that perfect wig – it's like discovering a treasure chest full of confidence. But here's the scoop: just like any treasure, your wig needs some care to stay valuable. Let's chat about a few slip-ups that might be unintentionally shortening the lifespan of your beloved wig.


Overuse of Heat Styling Tools:

Imagine your wig's hair as a delicate flower and heat-styling tools as the scorching sun. Sure, a bit of sunshine is great, but too much can turn your beautiful garden into a desert. Excessive use of flat irons, curling wands, and blow dryers can zap the life out of your wig, leaving it looking more wilted than wonderful. Give your wig a break from the heat now and then to keep it flourishing.


Incorrect Cleaning Products:

Your wig is like a fine wine – it gets better with age, but only if you treat it right. Using harsh chemicals or regular shampoo meant for human hair can be like dousing your wine with vinegar. Not a good mix. Stick to wig-friendly products to keep those strands smooth and glossy. Trust me, your wig will thank you for a longer, healthier life.


Ignoring Manufacturer Guidelines:

Okay, we get it – reading manuals isn't the most exciting activity. But those little booklets that come with your wig are like the GPS to a long and happy wig life. Ignoring them is like driving blindfolded – you might hit a few bumps. The guidelines usually include tips on washing, styling, and storing your wig. It's not rocket science, but following these instructions can be the difference between a wig that's thriving and one that's just surviving.

So, are you making these oopsies with your wig? It's not about finger-pointing; it's about giving your wig the VIP treatment it deserves. Think of it like tending to a high-maintenance plant – the more love and attention you give, the more it'll bloom. Avoid these common pitfalls, and your wig will be strutting its stuff for a long time to come!


What Should You Do For Your Human Hair Wig to Last Longer?

How Long Will a Human Hair Wig Last

To extend the longevity of your human hair wig, try the following tips:

Reduce frequency of use

Since wearing your wig as often as every day would decrease its lifespan, reduce how often you wear it. A tip is to have another wig you can switch it up with or let go of the wig on some days and wear out your hair. But it's okay if your circumstances do not allow you the option of switching. Only you should expect it to wear out sooner.

Wash and condition your regular Human Hair Wig to Last Longer.

Human hair wigs will usually come with usage and cleaning directions. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for how and how often to care for the wig. Remember that it is made from human hair, so it needs good washing and conditioning sessions to ensure that it retains its moisture, bounce, and shine.

Use the right products.

Using the right hair products and tools for your wig will prevent drying out, thinning, and other forms of damage. This way, you get the best use of your wig for a longer period.

Minimize processing treatments

Hair processing, such as coloring and other chemical treatments, can offer you a variety of styles with your wig. However, processing your human hair wig often makes it likely to thin and shed quickly.

Store properly

To preserve your wig cap construction, proper storage is vital. Use satin or silk wig bags, or keep them in the original packaging. Wig stands, and hangers are great options to consider, but to keep your wigs dust-free and prevent drying out, you might want to cover it over with a bag.

Wig Repair and Restoration of Human Hair Wig to Last Longer



So, your favorite wig has been through the battles of time, and it's showing a few scars. Fear not! Just like a superhero's outfit, your wig can go through some repair and restoration to get back into tip-top shape. Let's dive into the world of wig TLC and see how we can revive that glorious mane.

Professional Maintenance Services:

Think of professional wig maintenance like taking your car to the mechanic – they know the ins and outs, right? There are experts out there who can work wonders on your wig. From fixing tangles to replacing worn-out parts, these folks have the skills to bring your wig back from the brink. It's like giving your wig a spa day, and who doesn't love a good spa day?


DIY Methods for Minor Issues:

Now, not every wig problem requires a trip to the wig doctor. Some issues can be fixed right at home with a bit of DIY magic. If your wig is shedding like a cat in summer, a dab of clear fabric glue on the knots might do the trick. Got a few tangles? A wide-tooth comb and some patience can work wonders. It's like being your wig's superhero – cape optional.


When to Consider Replacement:

Okay, let's be real. Sometimes, no amount of DIY or professional wizardry can resurrect a wig that's seen too much action. If your wig is looking like it's been through a tornado, and repairs are starting to feel like putting lipstick on a pig, it might be time to consider a replacement. Think of it like upgrading to the latest smartphone – sometimes, you just need the newer model.

So, whether it's a little stitch here or a touch-up there, don't give up on your wig just yet. With the right care and attention, you can keep that wig looking runway-ready. Remember, every superhero deserves a second chance, even if it's made of strands instead of spandex!


Wrapping Up

To answer, there is no fixed number of years for which human hair wigs last. Your wig can last for as long as 3 or more years if you take proper care of it. Whereas, if you don't, it might not last for up to a year before you'd have to replace it.

And if the wig is of low quality, then its lifetime would be even shorter. That's why we'd always recommend getting top-quality wigs that are durable and easy to care for.

Funmi Lawal